Welcome to The God I Need Today Blog
I've been walking with God for a long time - over thirty years. It hasn't been a perfect walk or an easy walk. Sometimes I let go of His hand; but He has never let go of mine. There were times when He told me which way to go - and I went in an entirely different direction. But He has always been faithful to me even when I was unfaithful to Him. That's why I love Him and have kept following Him. I first heard His voice when I was in a desperate situation many years ago. When I had no where to turn for help or protection, I found Divine Help when I set my eyes toward towards heaven.
I started this blog because people forget (including me) that God is big enough, powerful enough and wise enough to handle any and every situation, need or emotion we can give Him. We don't have to walk alone. He is with us. We just have to keep looking for Him and believing in Him. There is a God. There is a God you need today.
Our Journey Together
We will learn about God as He related to Biblical characters and discover God's attributes (revealed in His names).
Together, let's see who God is and realize it is comforting to know that His Son, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8.
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