What do you do when you’re isolated, ostracized and criticized? When I found myself in that situation I needed a Protector, a Deliverer and reassurance that Someone loved and accepted me. I discovered all these qualities in God.
I had worked for a company for over ten years when we were bought out by a multinational corporation. After departments were merged, the staff layoffs were through and the dust settled, I remained standing. The good news? I kept my job. The bad news? I was transferred into a department with all new people, and most of them hated me. I didn’t understand it, couldn’t wrap my mind around it, but hate was the right word for it.
Prior to the merger, I liked my coworkers and they liked me. I was friendly and outgoing. I lightened the day with a joke or two. If given an opportunity, I could find a common interest and befriend anyone. Post-merger, all that changed.
Instead of wearing a HAZMAT suit, I put on “the full armor of God,” so I could stand against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:13-14) Their tactics were simple, yet full of venom. I was overlooked. The assistant director carried on cheerful conversations with my coworkers and ignored me as I sat two feet away. We barely exchanged “good morning” and “good night.” If we had contact, it was usually in the form of a brusque email she’d send me pointing out something I did wrong. I was excluded. I came across a memo left on the copier about an upcoming department meeting, but my name wasn’t on the distribution list and the memo never made it to my inbox. I was demoted. An assistant was hired to help with my workload. After I trained her, I gave her a negative three-month review when I realized her work was subpar. Imagine my surprise and humiliation when the “assistant” became my supervisor. After her promotion, she proceeded to micromanage and criticize my work to such levels that it drove me crazy. I was belittled. When an announcement was made that my projects would be reassigned to another team member, the colleague I worked with (on those projects) started applauding in front of the entire department.
This was a spiritual battle. (Ephesians 6: 12) My prayer closet became a stall in the ladies room. During moments of extreme stress I wrote out my prayers, just like King David. In fact, Psalm 35 expresses my feelings during this season perfectly.
These coworkers didn’t want to befriend me; instead, they wanted me to quit. What they didn’t know was that the God of my Strength was giving me strength to meet them head-on every day. They couldn’t know that God my Rock was cementing my feet to the floor of my cubicle until He decided to move me.
My human nature wanted to take action. I wanted to tell them off! I wanted to get even. More than that, I wanted to get out! But Sovereign God had a plan. Although I pleaded daily for Him to remove me from this job, He was silent. I was His daughter, yet the enemy seemed to be winning. Where was He?
I had to trust the Lord God Most High. His plan would bring Him glory and result in the best possible outcome. (Romans 8:28) While I waited for His plan to unfold, I experienced pain, tears and heartache, but I knew He had the best long-term solution, specifically for my situation. My limited, natural instincts were no match for His infinite, supernatural power.
I needed God the Protector, God the Restorer and God the Deliverer.
God the Protector was protecting my heart, emotions and soul because the adversary was trying to demoralize and destroy me. God the Restorer reassured me that I was accepted and honored in His sight. (Isaiah 43:4) I was looking for acceptance from people who had nothing to offer me, a child of God and follower of Jesus Christ. God spoke to my heart: “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5) Although it took five very long and painful years, God the Deliverer rescued me from that office.
Jehovah Jireh (God my Provider) orchestrated my Red Sea moment by leading me to an employment lawyer and giving me the courage to send a detailed email about my office experiences to the company’s Human Resources department. As a result, I watched as one of my tormentors was let go before I left.
I left with my head held high, because the Faithful God was involved in the process.
Almighty God is revealed through His involvement in the lives of Biblical characters. He is a personal God who never changes. We can discover who He is by His actions, His attributes and even through His names. Just as Moses, Joseph, David and Esther called upon Him during troubled times, so can you. Whatever you’re facing, He can meet your exact need. Do you need a Comforter? A Problem Solver? A Peace Maker? There is a God. He’s the God you need today.